Monday, August 29, 2011

First day.

How cute are my boys. I love them so much. Zach said his day was "AWESOME" and Sam said it was good except for the boy that sits across from him who he finds extremely annoying. He is a funny kid. One day down and a school year to go.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

2011-2012 School Year.

School starts tomorrow morning. Can I tell you even though I can't stand homework, I am SO excited for it to start. The boys are making me crazy. Well, crazier...

Friday, July 29, 2011

Samson Christopher Belcher.

Seven fabulous years ago at 5:58pm on a Thursday afternoon my little love bug Sam was born. He is such an amazing child. He told Chris that when he got to open his presents make sure to cover his eyes then when the gifts were in front of him tell him to open his eyes and yell "SURPRISE". That was more important to him then what he actually got. He makes my heart happy!

Friday, June 17, 2011

June 18, 2010.

This inevitable day has changed my life forever. This last year has been somewhat of a blur. Knowing that my dad is in a better place, my heart misses him more then I can even express. Every day I think of him and wish for just one last time I can hear his voice calling me "his Aimer".

Friday, May 27, 2011

Top 10 steps to Happiness.

#1 - Forget the past.

#2 - Take responsibility for your life.

#3 - Build relationships.

#4 - Develope multiple Passions.

#5 - Build your character.

#6 - Be who you are.

#7 - Live your life purpose.

#8 - Count your Blessings.

#9 - Have a positive mind.

#10 - Work Creatively.

I looked up "how to be happy" and came across this. The one that hit me first was #4. I need some passions in life.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Did you know?

Did you know that everytime you kiss Samson he kisses you back then puts his hand to his mouth as if to kiss his fingers and then touches his heart? He says he is putting the love into his heart so he can keep it forever. How amazing is that?! The love of my children can put a smile on my face whenever I need it.

I love them.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Growing up.

A sad thing happened tonight in our home. Samson called a classmate and basically set up his own playdate. Listening to him on the phone was quite comical. He is a funny kid. The convo we could hear went something like this:

Hi Maximo

Its Sam

Samson Belcher (like the 6 yr old friend has any clue)

from school

You told me to call you (the "told" was said with a "duh" sound.

So Chris and I took him over to his friends house to play for a while. Chris on the other hand is extremely sad that his buddy has chosen another for the afternoon. He looked so sad when he asked Sam was he really going.

Like I said, sad day at our house. They grow up too fast.