Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Yearbook Photos...

Here are a few pics for a good laugh. Did you ever wonder what you would have looked like with all of those hairstyles you mom or even grandma's use to sport? Well now you have the opportunity to check it out yourself. Be jealous of me cause I'm looking HOT!


ambs* said...

The top and the bottom ones are the best things i have ever seen! good thing i introduced you to this!

joni said...

I am laughing so hard right now. When I pulled it Up I thought the first one really was your picture and i thought to my self WTF!!! anyway. I love it and I am going to do it to me to see how silly I would look. About the bread... it was the easiest thing I have ever done and it was just one batch of dough that made 7 yummy loafs.

Glenn Amber Evans said...

Super Cute ami

Rebecca said...

You look hot!

Farah said...

Okay, you look EXACTLY like Aunt Betty in the bottom picture. Hee! Hee! Love you.